History of the

Mill House

  • Dream it.

    The Mill Iron House was built on the Boulder River near McLeod, MT sometime in the early 1890’s by the Decker Family. Ira and Gwenivere Decker were never blessed with children, so when they died the property was inherited by their nephew, Bruce Kline, in 1978. Bruce lived in Billings. MT and frequently spent time on the property enjoying his passion for fly fishing. Bruce had one son, Gary Kline, to whom he left the property when he died in 2012 . Gary enjoyed hunting and fishing with his children and grandchildren, but most of all relaxing away from the hustle and bustle of Bozeman, MT where he lived. When Gary passed away in 2020 his family decided to sell the property. It was purchased by Wallace Henderson. His vision for the future of the property did not include the Decker house, so when I heard this news, I inquired about the house and Wallace graciously gave it to me and my husband. With this gift we were able to fulfil a DREAM of ours; to share our beautiful valley with others. On August 1, 2021, we began preparations to move it the long mile and a half to our family ranch and set it where you will find it today.

  • Start, Grow, Thrive

    I was once told that when you have an idea you need to do three things; START, GROW, THRIVE. Jump in with both feet and get the ball rolling, help your idea grow, and watch it thrive. After we acquired the Mill House we knew exactly what we wanted to do with it and where we wanted to relocate it on our family ranch; the natural pond was perfect spot for a vacation rental. The two years it took to completely strip it down to the bare logs and restore it to its original glory was definitely a labor of love. Now that it is finished, we are enjoying watching it thrive as our guests experience the peace and tranquility of The Mill House.

The Decker Family

early 1900’s